About me

I am a passionate backend developer obsessed with standardisation and uniformity.

My passion for coding started in 2016 at university LaSapienza during a course on C. At that time I was studying Physics, but the next year I left for a job as backend developer and I started my journey in the tech industry.


These are some of my skills:

  • LanguagesJava, Bash, Python, PHP
  • Versioning/Dev-OpsGit, GitLabCI, Github Actions, Ansible, IAC
  • FrameworksSpring, Spring-boot, Mockito, JUnit
  • DBMySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL SQLServer, MongoDB, CouchbaseSQL
  • AnalyticsGraphana, Graphite, Micrometer

You can check my entire tech stack on LinkedIn


These are some of the projects I worked on.


The product: Immobiliare.it is Italy's largest property portal with over 1.2 million listings and more than 50 million monthly visits to the website and mobile app.
I'm part of the team core-data which its main business is to handle the I/O data flow from and to the partners or private users of the website and the mobile app.

Technology stack: Java, Spring-boot, RabbitMQ, GitLabCI, Ansible, MySQL, CouchbaseSQL and many others.

Team size: 5-10


The product: Nexam is a software management platform developed for the university Federico II of Naples.
This software can be broke up in two parts. The first part is a Spring boot Application, the user is able to create a registry of questions and answers. Using a pool those the user can create a multiple choice test. The second part is a Python script that reads and manipulates the scans of those tests and elaborate the answers which will be saved and analyzed using the Spring Boot App.

Technology stack: Java, Spring-boot, RabbitMQ, Python, OpenCV, MySQL.

Team size: 3


The product: Health Point Medical Care is a network of polyspecialist centers. Me and my team developed REST APIs to handle the onboarding flow of a patient, the booking of a medical examination and a system of videochat with a health professional (using WebRTC).

Technology stack: Java, Spring, Spring-boot, RabbitMQ, MariaDB, MySql and others.

Team size: 3-5

Contact Me

Send a general message or details of a project you'd like me to be a part of and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.